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"To travel is to live "|"Voyager c'est vivre"|"Viajar é viver"

It's the final countdown

It's less than 2 months before my life makes a 180° turn. I'm leaving my steady job as a dentist, to go travel the world and belong to nowhere.  This is something I've wanted to do for a year now and it wasn't a decision taken lightly. However as the end of October approaches my stress levels begin to rise and I start missing everything already. The clinic, my new french friends and even some patients  (except the ones that have lice :o ). Even just driving through the calm countryside, with all the flowers and cows that make the landscape beautiful, as I drive 45km just to go to the nearest "H&M".
And then there's also a feeling of uncertainty that crosses my thoughts. Is this the right decision? Moneywise I know that I'm committing an economical suicide. But oh well, I am young and all that jazz, so if not now, when? And I plan on working a little bit along the way, so that I can continue to fund these megalomaniac ideas...

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  1. Replies
    1. :D espero que sim! depois de tanto tempo com esta ideia na cabeça (:

  2. Acho que só precisávamos de um bocadinho da tua coragem 😉 Vai ser uma experiência e tanto 😎
