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"To travel is to live "|"Voyager c'est vivre"|"Viajar é viver"

Why am I writting this blog?

Well, if you are willing to read this, I may as well explain it all from the beginning. Since I was a child we always travelled… to go see my relatives who lived mostly in the north of Portugal, my grandparents who lived in France, on my gymnastics competitions I ended up going to Austria, Germany and Brazil and finally travelling with my parents I went to Greece and Tunisia. All of this before I turned 12. Lucky brat I know. I guess this feeling I’m feeling, this wanderlust can easily be explained. Thanks mom! So years passed by and the situation went from the occasional anual trip to now having an urge to travel almost monthly. Knowing when my next trip is gives me comfort. Comfort in knowing that I am not stuck here in the “real” world but that I can experience other places, languages and people even if it’s just for a weekend. Sooo there it is. I think now you understand… I want to travel, but I also want to come back to tell the stories.

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  1. Minha tati do coração, viajar é a única coisa que tu compras e te enriquece a 100%. O que levas da vida é a vida que levas. Beijinho enorme da Sara morais

  2. Minha tati do coração, viajar é a única coisa que tu compras e te enriquece a 100%. O que levas da vida é a vida que levas. Beijinho enorme da Sara morais
