A few years ago I discovered the website www.my50.com It's a website where you can build your bucket list and look at other people's lists for ideas.
I'm a big list fan so when I came across this site I was amazed and created my bucket list right away! :D People's lists go from Major life goals like having children or getting that dream job to little things like going on a photography class or spending a night under the stars.
A lot of my goals though are travel related, I think it's no secret that I L.O.V.E. to travel and now that I have the opportunity to travel a bit more a lot of items of my list are being checked! :D
Goals I.ve checked November and December 2016
1 - Visit Japan (and sleep at a buddhist temple! hello!)
2 - Visit Asia for the 1st time! (unless the other side of Instanbul counts, which for me it doesn't :p )
3 - Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
4 - See the magnificent Northern lights
5 - Visit Norway and Sweden
6 - Go whale watching
7 - I also ate some bizarre foods like reindeer and sea urchin!
Annddd it.s not over yet! During the next month I.ll be crossing some other exciting items from my list! :)
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